Winter Use – Winter Sports Trail

Whether you are a snowshoer or fat biker, the Cadillac Pathway Winter Sports Trail (WST) is the place to be! Once the snow flies our dedicated Northern Michigan Mountain Bike Association (NMMBA) – Cadillac Pathway Grooming Team head out and groom a 3-foot-wide flat base for you to use. We use a compaction drag to compact the snow down and a V-plow to remove excess snow. We groom EVERY day as long as weather allows us too. The WST begins and ends at the trailhead located at Seeley Road. You can do the full 11-mile loop or a nice 5-mile loop (aka Polar Bear Loop) that leaves from trailhead and does not cross Seeley Rd.The terrain on the east side of Seeley Rd is for beginners and intermediate level. Once you cross Seeley Rd it is for the intermediate to advance level. Nothing too technical just some hefty climbs. The WST is easy to follow. Simply follow the groomed path. We have maps on the trail at key intersections. Keep in mind there are a few spots where the WST crosses the XC ski trail. PLEASE yield to XC skiers. We’re SUPER excited to have this winter trail system at the Cadillac Pathway, so please come out and enjoy it. If you believe in what we are doing, please consider donating to the grooming badge program. Details on website. Our volunteers are free our expenses are not.
Winter Fun |
Snowshoeing & Fat Tire Biking | One Mile Up To 11 mile Loop Options | Easy, Moderate, And Difficult Options On The Trail |