This past Sunday, our volunteers got out into the woods to get their hands dirty ahead of our grooming season!

This winter, we’re excited to offer dedicated fat bike, snowshoe, and Nordic skiing trails from December 1 through April 1! With just a bit of luck, we’ll have a generous first snow that will let us get things packed in and ready for a full season of fun, and provide our community with a reason to get out of the house!

Like last year, we’ll have a fat bike and snowshoe loop, plus a dedicated Nordic ski loop that will give unique experiences for different users groomers. Snowshoers and fat bikers don’t need a manicured classic track to have fun, and they’ll have a wide, fun trail to enjoy. We are asking that you toss on snowshoes if you plan on walking our Winter Sports Trail; the damage from normal foot traffic is extremely hard to fix, and we have plenty of traffic looking to ride this season.

Those two loops add up quickly, and with a plenty of snowfall expected in 2018-2019, we need all the support we can get in order to offer everyone a great experience. We have a generous group of hearty volunteers; what we need most are the funds to keep the machines filled with gas! If you love the winter trail experience, you can support the mission by picking up a winter grooming badge for the Cadillac Pathway. Ride other places, too? There are a number of trail-specific badges available, plus combination badges, too!

Grab your 2018-2019 winter grooming badge here, and start doing your snow dance!