Cadillac Pathway Blog
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NMMBA Grooming Badges: We’re Ready for Winter 2021-2022!
‘Tis the season to do your snow dance! NMMBA and TART are proud to offer another season of winter fun through our 2021-2022 Winter Grooming Badge program. For several years, TART and NMMBA have partnered to offer northern Michigan winter sports enthusiasts a...
24 Hours of the Pathway for 11 Miles of Singletrack
On August 1st Jared Dunham will be doing another fundraiser to help build more trails at the Cadillac Pathway. Jared’s original ride last year lasted 12 hours, in 2020 he has decided to double that goal and will be on the trail for 24 hours! The previous fundraiser...
Bear Claw Epic Canceled. We Aren’t Slowing Down.
This has been a challenging year for so many people, businesses, and organizations. This week, the directors of our biggest fundraiser of the year, the Bear Claw Epic Mountain Bike Race, announced that our fall event would not take place. That doesn’t mean we’re...