One part of the value of a trail network isn’t just what it gives to the community, but how it can be used to bring the community together. Weekly hiking, biking, and running events offer a chance to encourage others to get outside, get in shape, and turn off the flicking screens every once in a while!

Kami Wade, a local mountain biker and a huge proponent of getting more people on bikes, is helping to make that even easier. Kami is putting something together that makes Tuesday the highlight of the week, and a ride you know you can join in, get stronger, and meet more great people on the pathway. This summer, Kami and her fat biking friends will host a ride every Tuesday at 5:30. The ride will be open to all skill levels, with at least one no-drop group making sure no one gets left behind.

Kami is an inspiring personality to have on our trails. She recently started a non-profit designed to get more girls doing healthy, active things that may not have an interest in more traditional team sports. Singletrack Sisters has had some tremendous success already this spring, and some very encouraging support from locals will help bring this great program to even more girls in the area.

Make sure you’re ready to rock each Tuesday at the Cadillac Pathway this summer, and if there’s a pal who’s been interested in riding, this is a great chance to introduce them the sport and to a great group of people!

Want to stay in the loop for all rides, races, and events on the Pathway? Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram