Springing Into Summer On The Pathway

Springing Into Summer On The Pathway

June is bringing us some gorgeous weather for getting outside and enjoying the Cadillac Pathway!  There has been a lot going on this winter and spring, and it’s time for a quick update. First off, if you haven’t had time to check out the new Pavillion, you...
Springing Into Summer On The Pathway

Thank You, Trail Volunteers!

Those clear, smooth trails you’ve been enjoying this spring? They didn’t appear by magic. After a long and chilly winter, we’ve all been incredibly anxious to get out onto the Pathway. We saw a dusting of snow in the very beginning of November, a...
Springing Into Summer On The Pathway

The Pathway Prepares For New Pavilion!

Very soon, there’s going to be a new space that will help trail users get even more out of their trip to the Cadillac Pathway. After a lot of hard work, generous donations, and careful planning, we’re ready to make the long-planned pavilion a reality....