Winter Sports Trail
Latest Trail Reports
Friday February 21, 2025
Grooming Report #33
Groomed the east side only tonight. The west side has been reported that it did not need it since it was in excellent condition. Everything is firm our there.
Thursday February 20, 2025
Grooming Report #32
Groomed the whole trail and things have firmed up nicely – even the sides and berms.
Wednesday February 19, 2025
Grooming Report #31
Groomed the whole trail and things have firmed up nicely – even the sides and berms.
Tuesday February 18, 2025
Grooming Report #30
No new snow was received but we headed out to groom the entire trail system. Groomer is reporting great conditions. Firm in the center but still some soft sides.
Monday February 17, 2025
Grooming Report #29
A lot of time was spent grooming the upcoming race course for the Fatty Caddy this coming Saturday. The west side was not groomed tonight. Despite all the snow and wind we have had the trail was in good condition before the groom with no bikers breaking through. We did use the v-plow tonight to remove excess snow to get to a firmer base for the race. Reporting trail is in great shape and rating it a 9 out of 10. The area where we had logging on the east side has seen some drifting. Expecting the race course to be in good condition on Saturday.
Sunday February 16, 2025
Grooming Report #28
Two inches of new snow. Groomed the whole trail today. Reporing the center is firm but expect some soft sides still.
Saturday February 15, 2025
Grooming Report #27
Received 4 inches of new snow. Groomed the whole trail this evening. Expect the center of the trail to be firm and the sides and berms are soft. Logging area has improved immensely with the amount of snowfall we have received.
Friday February 14, 2025
Grooming Report #26
No new snow received since last groom. Groomed the whole trail to clean things up. Expect the center to be firm but the sides to be soft. We have more snow in the forecast for Friday night. Could be soft on Saturday.
Thursday February 13, 2025
Grooming Report #25
Four to five inches of new snow. Groomed the trail. Center is solid but sides are soft. Rating 8 out of 10.
Tuesday February 11, 2025
Grooming Report #24
Received a little bit of new snow. Just enough to mix in with the existing base and freshen things up. We stilll have a few soft spots here or there but overall in great conditions.
Monday February 10, 2025
Grooming Report #23
Groomed this evening. Our groomer (fellow fat biker) says it is ideal out there. We have been using the vplow to remove excess snow to get to a firmer base faster.
Sunday February 9, 2025
Grooming Report #22
Groomed the whole trail this afternoon. Reported conditions a 9 out of 10 except where we have exposed logging sections. Those areas are poor but hoping it will firm up during the week.
Friday February 7, 2025
Grooming Report #21
Well you know how mother nature is. We go from excellent conditions on Wednesday to middle of the road conditions today. With the amount of snowfall we have gotten things are soft out there and our berms are not set up yet. Doesn’t help that we have had high winds that has caused a lot of drifting. But we headed out tonight and groomed for almost 4 hours to get things cleaned up the best we can. Giving it a 6 out of 10 for the weekend. Depending on weather and wind we will judge when our next groom will be. Want to make sure we working efficiently. But it is rideable….get out there and get some fitness in and if you see a groomer give them a high five for what they do for you.
Thursday February 6, 2025
Grooming Report #20
Groomed the entire trail this afternoon after receiving about an inch of snow. Trail is in excellent condition. Be careful on the two track section that takes you to the west side loop. There have been loggers and there are ruts under the snow. Grooming costs money and your tax dollars do not cover it. Please consider donating today. Head on over the donate page of this website.
Wednesday February 5, 2025
Grooming Report #19
No new snow. Groomed the whole trail this evening to clean things up. Groomer is giving it a 10 out of 10. Watch for the ruts under snow on the two track connector to the west side loop.
Tuesday February 4, 2025
Grooming Report #18
Received about 1/2 inch of new snow. Groomer is reporting 10 out of 10. Hard pack and fast. However watch for those ruts made by loggers on the two track connector to the west side loop.
Monday February 3, 2025
Grooming Report #17
Groomed the entire trail this evening. Groomer reports primo conditions after receiving a foot of snow.
Saturday February 1, 2025
Grooming Report #16
Groomed the whole trail. Excellent riding conditions except for the 1/2 mile two track connector to the west side loop.
Friday January 31, 2025
Grooming Report #15
Groomed this evening. We did receive any new snow just went out to clean things up from activity. Trail overall is in great shape. The pine tree section is getting thin.
Wednesday January 29, 2025
Grooming Report #14
Groomed the whole trail this evening working in about an inch of new snow. Trail is hard pack and ready to rock. Grooomer gave it a 9 out of 10.
Tuesday January 28, 2025
Grooming Report #13
Received 4-5 inches of new snow. Groomed this afternoon/evening to start to pack it in and clean up snow drifts. Expect soft conditions until we can get a few grooms done. Riders always help to pack it in as well. Beware of the two track connector to the west side loop. Logging operations going on and they have torn up that section. You can still get by.
Monday January 27, 2025
We had planned to groom this evening but with the snow storm and high winds we considered it would be pointless until it was over.
Sunday January26, 2025
Grooming Report #12
Groomed this morning with 1 inch of new snow. East side is fast, firm and beautiful. West side loop is shaping up with still some soft corners. Be careful on the two track connector to the west loop. There was logging activity and they torn up the two track.
Saturday January 25, 2025
Grooming Report #11
Groomed this afternoon. We did not receive any new snow but this groom helped clean things up and smooth it out. Trail is the best shape this year. The east side loop is hard pack and the west side loop is about 90% packed in. Still has a few soft corners. Get out and enjoy! Reminder we have about a 100 yard section on the west side connector trail that has been torn up by loggers. You still can manage your way around.
Friday January 24, 2025
Grooming Report #10
Groomed this evening after some new snow over night. Snow worked in nicely to our existing base. Groomer is rating the east side loop (less hilly) an 8 out of 10 and the west side (hilly) a 7 out of 10. Expect to find some soft corners here and there. Grooming is made possible by donations. Consider donating today.
Thursday January 23, 2025
Grooming Report #9
Trail groomed again this afternoon after receiving about 2-3 inches of new snow. Trail is firm in the center but still some soft sides and corners. There is logging going on the west side and is affecting the two track that leads to the west side loop for about 100 yards.
Wednesday January 22, 2025
Grooming Report #8
Received approximately one inch of new snow. Groomer went out today in these cold temps to work it into the existing base. Expect excellent riding conditions with a few soft sides on the corners.
Saturday January 18, 2025
Grooming Report #7
Groomed the entire trail this morning. Did not groom on Friday due to temps above freezing. Expect the base to be firm with some soft sides and berms. No future grooms planned until cold snap breaks.
Tuesday January 14, 2025
Grooming Report #6
Entire trail was groomed and set up nicely. Still expect edges and sides to be soft. We had 1-2 inches of new snow to work into th existing base.
Sunday January 12, 2025
Grooming Report #5
After accumulating several inches of snow over the last few days we took the sled out only to find the trail. We will
Tuesday December 24, 2024
Grooming Report #4
Groomed WST with 4 inches of new snow with approximately an inch base. With upcoming forecast to planned grooms until more snow will be received.
Friday December 6, 2024
Grooming Report #3
Groomed again this evening to keep packing in the base. Received an additional 2 inches. We currently have approximately a 3 inch packed base after receiving approximately 9-12 inches of snow. Help support our expenses with buying a grooming badge today
Thursday December 5, 2024
Grooming Report #2
Groomed again this evening to keep packing in all the new snow. Received approximately 8 inches so far. Expect early riding conditions. Some firm spots, some soft spots, hills a challenge to climb and corners soft.
Wednesday December 4, 2024
Grooming Report #1
Groomed during the evening and attempting to make first pass with wet heavy snow. Expect early riding conditions. Some firm spots, some soft spots, hills a challenge to climb and corners soft.
Tuesday January 23, 2024
Grooming Report #16:
Groomed this evening to clean up some ruts that were developed by an inexperienced rider. New snow on Tuesday night helped with this. Trail should be great Wednesday morning. Watch the impact you are leaving on the trail over the next few days. Please refrain from damaging all our grooming efforts during this brief warm up and rain. Consider supporting our expenses with a donation today.
Monday January 22, 2024
Grooming Report #15:
Groomed this morning to freshen up the trail after a busy weekend. Expect good conditions with some occasional soft corners. Support our grooming expenses with a donation today.
Saturday January 20, 2024
Friday January 19, 2024
Grooming Report #13:
Groomed again this afternoon to continue to compact base and clean up any drifting. Going to be an epic weekend….See you out there. I will let the picture speak for itself. From a GR rider.
Our volunteers are free but our expenses are not. Please consider donating today so we can continue to groom.
Thursday January 18, 2024
Grooming Report #12:
Thank you Ryan for grooming this evening. We continue to pack in the base and building berms. Groomers and riders are giving an 8 out of 10. Center is much firmer than last week and the sides are starting to firm a bit. As always drifting that will occur in our logging section will have pockets of softness. Grooming is made possible through donations. Our volunteers are free but our expenses are not. Consider donating to help cover our expenses today. Link on website.
Wednesday January 17, 2024
Grooming Report #11:
Thank you Jeff Harding for heading out late this evening to groom the whole WST. Used the grooming device that compacts and helps create berms. The base is firming up nicely and rolling faster. Sides and berms are beginning to firm up. I would not attempt riding berms yet or exercise caution. Jeff is giving it an 8 out of 10. Expect softness where drifts happen. Support our expenses with a donation today.
Tuesday January 16, 2024
Grooming Report #10:
Thank you Dave Scott for braving the cold temps to groom the WST. We are continuing to build a firm base and clean up any snow drifts that happened during the day.
Monday January 15, 2024
Grooming Report #9:
Groomed this morning with the V-plow and compactor. Still shaving off some snow and working on compacting the base. Expect soft conditions.
Sunday January 14, 2024
Grooming Report #8:
Groomed this morning with the V-Plow. Once again we are shaving off excess snow to get to a firmer base quicker. Still expect soft conditions.
Saturday January 13, 2024
Grooming Report #7:
Went out late afternoon with the grooming matching that has a V-Plow on the front. We used the V-plow to shave off snow and then packed it in. Expect soft conditions. There will be drifting in the logging areas due to lack of trees.
Saturday January 13, 2024
Grooming Report #6:
Went out with just the snowmobile to once again find the trail. Will groom this afternoon with grooming machine.
Friday January 12, 2024
Grooming Report #5:
Groomed again this evening with v-plow and grooming machine. Shaved snow off and continue to pack base. Expect soft conditions. Received 8 inches on Tuesday and well over 10 inches starting on Friday night.
Friday January 12, 2024
Grooming Report #4:
Groomed the trail today to continue to pack in existing snow before storm hits. Expect the middle to be fairly firm but the sides of the trail will be soft. Keep your tire in the center. Please help with our expenses with a donation today.
Thursday January 11, 2024
Grooming Report #3:
First groom with grooming device after receiving around 8 inches of heavy wet snow on Tuesday. Set fairly well but expect some softness especially at the edges of the trail.
Wednesday January 10, 2024
Grooming Report #2:
Made two passes today with the snowmobile only to find the trail. We received approximately 8 inches of new snow and it packed in nicely. We will be taking out the grooming devices on Thursday night.
Monday December 4, 2023
Grooming Report #1:
Made a pass with snowmobile only. With the weather forecast of increased temperatures we will not be grooming anymore until more snow and drop in temperatures.
Friday March 10, 2023
Grooming Report #29:
Groomed mid day after receiving a few inches of snow. Riding on Friday was awesome. Expect Saturday to be equally as good. There are sections of dirt and sections of a thin base but your fat tire will go through it just fine.
Saturday March 4, 2023
Grooming Report #28:
Groomed this morning. Expect epic conditions. Ride early morning or later in the day. Avoid warm parts of the day. Ruts will be created and we cannot groom them out.
Thursday March 2, 2023
Grooming Report #27:
Groomed in the afternoon. Snow is getting thin in spots from all the warm weather. There are spots on the east side that has turned to slush and then refroze which has created ruts and ice. Everything is rideable. You will see the ice spots and ruts just exercise caution. Try to ride when temps are below freezing.
Tuesday February 28, 2023
Grooming Report #26
Groomed Tuesday morning after receiving 6 +/- inches of new snow. Cleaned up a lot of drifting issues. A lot of snow out there. Should freeze over night as long as people stayed off of the trail during the warmer temps it should be great in the morning and evening on Wednesday. Help us with our expenses by donating today. Gas and maintenance on our snowmobile are not free.
Sunday February 26, 2023
Grooming Report #25
Groomed in the morning the entire trail. 95% of the groove is gone on the east side from the race. Expect great conditions today with sunny skies and warmer temps. The snow will start to adhere better to ice underneath.
Saturday February 25, 2023 PM
Grooming Report #24
Groomed race loop to start the process of removing the groove that was established from approximately 130 running laps on the trail.
Saturday February 25, 2023 AM
Grooming Report #23
Groomed race loop twice after receiving 3-4 inches of new snow.
Friday February 24, 2023
Grooming Report #22
Groomed Friday at noon. Rating conditions 7 out of 10. Working to get dry snow to adhere to ice with cold temps is a difficult task. The sun did come out today and hoping that helped. In the meantime everything is ridable. Watch your corners and an occasional rut that was left over from last week’s warm up.
Thursday February 23, 2023
Grooming Report #21
Groomed this evening. Had 4-6 inches of new snow on the east side and 5-8 inches on the west side. We used the v-plow groomer to take some excess of the trail to get to firmer base. We have a good solid base of an inch on top of the ice. Expect excellent conditions. Corners and edges of trail may be soft.
Wednesday February 22, 2023
Grooming Report #20
Groomed around noon today after receiving a few inches. Trying to get a little ahead of what is to come. Expect soft conditions. There is ice under the snow and we are working to get it to adhere.
Sunday February 19, 2023
Grooming Report #19
Groomed Sunday morning. Expect great conditions. We have a couple of dirt spots and some spots exposed to sun that turned to slush yesterday will be icy.
Friday February 17, 2023
Grooming Report #18
Received 6 inches of new snow on top of the ice ribbon we had. We groomed at noon today. Snow adhered fairly well. All hills were attainable but sides of trail and corners are soft. Next groom Saturday at 7am.
Friday February 10, 2023
Grooming Report #17
Groomed the whole trail on early afternoon. Surprisingly it looks really good out there. Going to freeze over night and Saturday should be awesome.
Sunday February 5, 2023
Grooming Report #16
Groomed the full trail this evening. Monday should be pretty darn good. Just be careful on corners and off camber stuff.
Saturday February 4, 2023 PM
Grooming Report #15
Groomed around 4pm to clean up from the day’s activities. Expect firm conditions on Sunday with soft sides.
Saturday February 4, 2023 AM
Grooming Report #14
Groomed whole trail around 9am. Expect a firm base with soft shoulders.
Thursday February 2, 2023
Grooming Report #13
Groomed all 12 miles. Base is firm but expect some soft corners and sides of trail.
Wednesday February 1, 2023
Grooming Report #12
Groomed all 12 miles. Base is firm but expect some soft corners and sides of trail.
Walking loops were groomed as well to clean up previous footprints.
Monday January 30, 2023
Grooming Report #11
Groomed the whole WST trail this evening. East side should still be in good riding shape. West side we cleaned up all the hike a bike from Sunday on some of the tough hills. We hope with grooms this week that the west should start to firm up. I am expecting today to be soft and hopefully less hike a bike.
Sunday January 29, 2023
Grooming Report #10
Groomed again this morning after getting 2-4 inches overnight. East side still reporting very good conditions with a soft curve here or there. West side was very soft on Sunday. Would not recommend riding West until we can get out and groom again which should be Monday.
Saturday January 28, 2023
Grooming Report #9
Groomed the entire 12 miles this morning. The east side 5 mile loop giving it a 10 out of 10. The west side is still soft after two grooms. Rideable but soft. Next groom planned for Sunday morning.
Tuesday January 24, 2023
Grooming Report #8
Groomed the 5 mile loop on the east side of Seeley Rd. Reporting excellent conditions. No grooming on the 6 miles to the west of Seeley Rd until more snow is received.
Monday January 23, 2023
Grooming Report #7
Groomed the 5 mile loop again with the new groomer just to smooth things out. We can’t groom the west side since that is not a permanent trail. We are under restrictions from DNR to only groom with 6 inches of snow or more. 5 mile loop has excellent conditions.
Sunday January 22, 2023
Grooming Report #6
Received about 1/2 inch of snow on Sunday morning. We purchased a new grooming device with teeth on it. We experimented with grooming the 5 mile loop on east side to mix new and old snow together as well as smooth out any rough edges created by footprints and tire marks. The groomer worked great. Rating the east side 5 mile loop a 9 out of 10.
Wednesday December 28, 2022
Grooming Report #5
Groomed Tuesday night the whole system. East side rating 8 out of 10. West side rating 6 out of 10. Still soft on the west. No future grooms planned. Will monitor weather.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Grooming Report #4
Scott Dunham groomed tonight, still reporting soft conditions. Rating a 6 out of 10. Expenses for groomed trails are paid for by donations. Donate today so we can still keep doing this. See website for details.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Grooming Report #3
Dave Scott spent his Christmas afternoon grooming the WST. Received another 2-3 inches of snow but a considerable amount of drifting. Grooming with a device that won’t plow snow off to try and conserve for warm up coming. Expect soft conditions.
Saturday December 24, 2022
Grooming Report #2
Jeff Harding went out this morning with snowmobile and grooming device. Received an additional 6 inches of snow. Groomed the east 5 mile loop. Expect soft conditions and drifting. If you venture to the west side 6 mile loopexpect very soft conditions and wind swept. The snow is very dry and with these cold temps it is not packing well.
Friday December 23, 2022
Grooming Report #1
Jeff Harding headed out in the am with snowmobile only. Received 6 inches of dry snow expect soft conditions
2022 – 2023 Grooming Season – Monday December 19, 2022
There is snow on the trail but not enough to groom yet. Stay tune.
Sunday March 13, 2022
Grooming Report #41:
Kevin headed out Sunday morning and groomed the entire trail. Expect riding conditions to be great. Few ice spots on the east side.
Friday March 11, 2022
Grooming Report #40:
Corey groomed the entire trail with the Groominator. Watch for ice spots but otherwise riding should be good. May have some snow drifts as the wind was blowing pretty good on Friday after the groom and into Saturday.
Wednesday March 9, 2022
Grooming Report #39:
Dave ran the snowmobile only on entire trail system in the effort to pack in the snow to adhere to the ice. (The grooming devices has a tendency to push snow off the trail.)
Monday March 7, 2022
Grooming Report #38:
We received 5 inches of new snow after the warm weather and rain on Sunday. Fresh snow sitting on top of ice. Scott groomed the trail on the east side of Seeley rd only. Issues with traction on ice. We have a plan for the week to hopefully have it ready for a weekend of good riding. In the meantime proceed with caution.
Friday March 4, 2022
Current state of affairs. Go get it!! One snowdrift spot but it is ridable. Our volunteers are free but our expenses are not. Consider donating today.
Wednesday March 2, 2022
Grooming Report #37:
D2 (Dave Scott) groomed on Wednesday night after receiving about 1 inch of new snow. He advises you calling in sick on Thursday!
Tuesday March 1, 2022
Grooming Report #36:
Kurt will be grooming this morning. Expect excellent riding conditions. Volunteers are free. Expenses are not. Consider donating today.
Sunday February 27, 2022
Grooming Report #35:
Scott groomed late afternoon. He was able to clean up the couple of snow drift sections. Bonus the wind was not blowing which means Monday should be exceptional. As always our volunteers are free but our expenses are not. Consider making a donation today to help us continue what we do.
Saturday February 26, 2022
Grooming Report #34:
Kevin groomed late this afternoon. We had high winds today so we had some snow drifts. This is our third groom since receiving the new snow. Expect Sunday to be excellent. We will still have some snow drift sections since the wind was still blowing after his groom.
Friday February 25, 2022 PM
Grooming Report #33:
Corey groomed tonight with the groominator. It is beautiful out there. Expect firm conditions with some soft corners.
Friday February 25, 2022 AM
Grooming Report #32:
Jeff groomed in the morning after receiving 5-6 inches of new fluffy snow. We used our compaction drag only which will mean soft conditions.
Monday February 21, 2022
Grooming Report #31:
Jeff groomed this morning to clean up snow drifts before the ice storm. Expect firm but icy conditions.
Saturday February 19, 2022 PM Groom
Grooming Report #30:
Dave groomed Saturday evening. We had some pretty deep snow drift sections on the west side that we wanted to get cleaned up for Sunday’s adventures. If winds persisted on Saturday night then they may be blow over again. On Saturday they were two short stretches that you may have to hike a bike on Sunday if they got blow over again.
Expect the rest of the trail to be in pretty good condition. The snow was bonding to the ice fairly well with tire traction on Saturday but remember there is ice under that snow from all the rain earlier this week and then refreeze. As also approach the corners with caution.
Saturday February 19, 2022 AM Groom
Grooming Report #29:
Received 3-4 inches of new snow on Friday night into Saturday morning along with very strong winds.
Scott groomed this morning. The 5.5 mile loop on the east side has a handful of sections where you can see the ice under the snow but for the majority of the east side the snow was adhering to the ice with the tire traction. The 6 mile loop on the west side there were less sections where you could see the ice under the snow. Snow adhered to the ice underneath pretty well. Expect snow drifts in a few spots on the west side where logging occurred last year. As always proceed cautiously on any corners. With the temps being in the low 40’s tomorrow consider your impact on the trail. Picture is of trail on the west side.
Monday February 14, 2022
Grooming Report #28:
Jeff headed out on Monday night and groomed the full WST. Expect great conditions on Tuesday. Picture is the view of the Clam River from the trail.
Saturday February 13, 2022
Grooming Report #27:
Received another couple of inches on Friday night after Friday’s groom. Then we were greeted with high winds over night as well. There were three areas with some major snow drifts (compliments from MDNR for logging and removing trees to block winds). Scott groomed Saturday afternoon. The trail is excellent shape. Expect these snow drift areas (on the west side) to be soft.
Friday February 12, 2022
Grooming Report #26:
Received about 1 inch of snow on Wednesday night and another 2 inches on Thursday night. Corey groomed Friday afternoon. Temps were warm but expecting the base to be firm for Saturday with temps dropping over night. After the groom we had a light rain but transitioned to snow. Expect firm base but I would ride cautiously in corners .
Monday February 7, 2022
Grooming Report #25:
Jeff groomed this evening to scratch the surface. Expect hard pack and fast conditions. Watch for icy spots and careful going around corners.
Sunday February 6, 2022
Grooming Report #24:
Kevin headed out early this morning with the attempt to scratch the surface. Expect hard pack and fast. There will be some icy spots. Careful in corners.
Friday February 4, 2022
Grooming Report #23:
Corey groomed the east side on Friday night. He used our groomer with teeth attachment to scratch the surface. After Tuesday’s warm up and then refreeze by the end of the week it made things very hard and icy. Plus no new snow did not help things. We ran the groomer on the east side 5.4 mile loop only. We believe we were successful with adding texture to provide some grip. Giving the east side an 8-10 rating. More dirt is showing on the west side. We felt by running the groomer on that side would cause more damage than good. West side we recommend studs. We do have snow in the forecast for Sunday but not much.
Monday January 31, 2022
Grooming Report #22:
Scott groomed on Monday night. He has done a small re-route at the start of the west loop heading CCW yesterday. It only lasts for about 100 feet. It has only been groomed twice now and therefore is still soft. This short re-route was necessary to keep our sled and groomers injury free. I would recommend riding the “old” section for a few more days until we get more grooms on this new stretch.
Other than that everything is firm and fast. Rating it all between a 9-10. Berms are setting up nicely !
Sunday January 30, 2022
Grooming Report #21:
Scott headed out first thing Sunday morning and groomed BUT THEN we got 3-4 inches of lake effect snow. Expect soft conditions on Sunday.
Saturday January 29, 2022
Grooming Report #20:
Kevin headed out at the crack of dawn to groom the trail getting ready for weekend traffic. Rating east side a 10. Rating 85% of the west side a 9-10 and 15% a 7-8. Lower rating because of lack of snow to smooth out a few bumpy sections.
Thursday January 27, 2022
Grooming Report #19:
Groomer Kevin headed out this evening. Received around 1/2 inch of snow. Rating east side a 10. Rating 85% of the west side a 9-10 and 15% a 7-8. Lower rating because of lack of snow to smooth out a few bumpy sections.
Tuesday January 25, 2022
Grooming Report #18:
Groomer Corey headed out tonight. Rating east side a 10. Rating 85% of the west side a 9-10 and 15% a 7-8. Lower rating because of lack of snow to smooth out a few bumpy sections.
Monday January 24, 2022
Grooming Report #17:
Jeff Harding groomed Tuesday night. Jeff reports that the trails are filling in nicely with all of our new snow received recently. Riders tracks weren’t biting into the snow which is a sign the snow is adhering to the existing base. Next groom is Tuesday night. Our groomers are free but our expenses are not. Please consider donating today.
Sunday January 23, 2022
Grooming Report #16:
Kevin woke up at the crack of dawn in frigid temps to head out and groom all the snow we received from yesterday (4-5 inches). He dragged a device to keep the snow on the trail and to compact it to add to our base. Expect good conditions but soft at the edges of trail. What that means is if you go flying around a corner you may become an angel.
Saturday January 22, 2022
Grooming Report #15:
Groomer Scott headed out bright and early this morning to groom the entire west side to access if we needed to fix any damage from side by side. He reports all is good. Expect conditions on west to be soft after his groom. Also we are expecting to get snow today so we will most likely have soft conditions on top of a firm base.
Thursday January 20, 2022
Grooming Report #14:
Groomer Ryan reports:
East Side – 5.4 miles and in great shape. Giving a 9 out of 10. Very firm and grippy base.
West Side – A side by side (we think) got on our trail system and drove on the west side. Ryan was able to mend it as well as fix some snow drifts from yesterday’s wind. We will tackle the west side WST again on Saturday morning early.
Friday January 14, 2022
Grooming Report #13:
Groomer Scott headed out this evening to freshen things up. Reporting the east side a 9 out of 10 and the west side a 7-8 out of 10.
Tuesday January 11, 2022
Grooming Report #12:
Groomer Corey went out to freshen things up the best we can without much new snow.
East Side – 5.4 miles and in great shape. Giving a 9 out of 10. Very firm and grippy base.
West Side – 6 miles and giving it a 7-8 out of 10. More leaves showing but the only reason rating lower is because the west side is not a worn in trail. With lack of snow there are sections that are more bumpy than others.
Saturday January 8, 2022
Grooming Report #11:
Thank you Ricky for grooming Saturday night. Ricky has only groomed the WST twice now and he is learning. Reporting firm conditions on the east side. West side needs more snow. East is enjoyable but the west not so much. Do your snow dance. No more grooms until we receive more snow.
Friday January 7, 2022
Grooming Report #10:
Thank you Scott for grooming Friday night. Reporting soft conditions on the west side and pretty firm on the east side.
Thursday January 6, 2022
Grooming Report #9:
No school means Jeff Harding, our teacher, headed out this morning to groom. We received another 2-3 inches overnight after last nights groom. Expect soft conditions and run low tire pressure.
Wednesday January 5, 2022
Grooming Report #8
Thank you Dave Scott for heading out for the first groom of 2022. We have received approximately 2-3 inches of snow on top of what we have been gradually receiving over a week or so. Expect soft conditions as snow is dry and the temps are cold. Hard to make snow bond under these circumstances. Run low tire pressure. Support our efforts by making a donation today to help pay for our expenses.
Wednesday December 29, 2021
Grooming Report #7:
Scott Dunham head out with the snowmobile only to clear down trees from previous wind storm. We still do not have enough snow to groom but the trail on the east side is still ridable.
Saturday December 11, 2021
Grooming Report #6:
We received A LOT of rain Friday night and Saturday morning. Mid afternoon on Saturday it was like a blizzard but only a couple of inches of accumulation. Scott attempted to groom but the snow is just too wet and the grooming device was just pushing it off the trail. If you are going to attempt to ride please choose early morning hours. Ask Santa for snow please.
Friday December 10, 2021
Grooming Report #5:
Ricky headed out Friday night before the rain hit. The idea was to pack as much as possible before the rain and warm weather arrives to see what we can conserve. Not expecting the trail to be ridable on Saturday due to wet conditions.
Wednesday December 8, 2021
Grooming Report #4:
Dave Scott headed out Wednesday night to groom. It groomed up well. Still expecting center to be firm but sides soft still.
Tuesday December 7, 2021
Grooming Update #3:
Corey headed out on Tuesday night to groom with The Groominator! We continue to work at establishing a firm base. We are not there yet. It takes moisture in snow and cold temps to get there. If you keep your tire in the center of the trail as much as possible it is pretty good (where the snowmobile belt hits). As soon as your tire leaves the center you will fish tail. The bigger hills on the west side are challenging. We will keep at it. Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Website has the details.
Monday December 6, 2021
Grooming Report #2:
Jeff Harding headed out again late morning and groomed the entire trail. More snow fell over night and was falling during the groom. We have received at least 10 inches of snow and trying to establish a base. Expect soft conditions. Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit website for details.
Sunday December 5, 2021
Grooming Report #1:
Jeff Harding headed out on Sunday night after 6-8 inches of snow has fallen. He drove the snowmobile only on the entire loop. He was able to run the groomer on Polar Bear Loop (east side of Seeley Rd) once. Expect soft conditions.
Friday March 5, 2021
Grooming Report #68:
This could be it! Get out there this weekend. It is surprisingly pretty darn good considering. Scott Dunham groomed on Friday night lowering the teeth on the grooming device. He has chewed it up and it should be great this morning with potential getting soft in the afternoon. Fire Saturday to celebrate the season at 1pm. We have put up signs closing the furthest 2 mile loop due to logging. You can still venture out there if you want but it is ungroomed and sections fun and sections not so fun. It is not too late to help with our expenses. Please consider a donation today. Check Website Donate tab.
Monday March 1, 2021
Grooming Report #67:
Kevin headed out Monday night to see if he could scratch the surface. No luck. He just drove the 4 mile loop. From the freeze/thaw cycle the trail is icy. Studs are recommended.
Saturday February 26, 2021
Grooming Report #66:
Thank you grooming Saturday morning Kurt. He just went out to makes things beautiful for an epic day of riding. 10 out of 10.
Thursday February 25, 2021
Grooming Report #65:
Thank you for grooming Thursday night Ryan. We ran the groominator with teeth. Expect great conditions on Friday. Super fast. 10 out of 10.
Monday February 22, 2021
Grooming Report #64:
Thank you Kevin for grooming Monday night. He is reporting a 10 out of 10. Smooth sailing and a firm base. Watch your tire pressure with the increase in temps. Do NOT leave a rut please.
Sunday February 21, 2021
Grooming Report #63:
Thank you Scott for heading out Sunday night. He only groomed the 4 mile west loop mainly to test out the equipment. We have snow rolling in Sunday night. Next groom will be Monday night.
Saturday February 20, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #62:
Thank you Dave for heading out Saturday night to smooth out the trail from a day full of riders and snowshoers. Sunday should be grand. 10 out of 10.
Saturday February 20, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #61:
Thank you Kurt for heading out at the crack of dawn. He ran the Groominator to smooth the berms. It is solid even with a couple inches of new snow received over night. 10 out of 10.
Friday February 19, 2021
Grooming Report #60:
Thank you Kevin for heading out Friday night spur of the moment. He took the V-Plow with drag pan and cleaned up all logging activities. Should be an epic weekend. Base is solid. 10 out of 10.
Thursday February 18, 2021
Grooming Report #59:
Thank you Ryan for grooming Thursday night. He is reporting a firm base. 10 out of 10. However we have one stretch about 1/4 mile long that will be soft due to logging operations. It will improve with more grooms.
Wednesday February 17, 2021
Grooming Report #58:
Jeff Harding was your groomer for Wednesday night. Reporting a firm base, firm corners, and stacked berms. However a timber sale has begun. The loggers are being respectful to our trail and cross at 90 degree angles. Currently only affecting a small portion of our trail near the pipeline. You will encounter very short sections where the trail is not as good as the rest. If you see a stick or branch laying in the trail please help by picking up a few to help our groomers and keep the snowmobile from repairs.
Tuesday February 16, 2021
Grooming Report #57:
Thank you Kevin for grooming Tuesday night. Reporting conditions 10 out of 10.
Sunday February 14, 2021
Grooming Report #56:
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming Sunday night. He took the new Groominator out and you should have some nice corduroy on Monday. Base is firm. 10 out of 10.
Saturday February 13, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #55:
Thank you Dave Scott for efforts on Saturday night. We used the v-plow tonight to shave off the few inches of snow that fell during the day. It was dry and unpackable. We don’t need more base so off it goes. Expect stellar conditions on Sunday. 10 out of 10.
Saturday February 13, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #54:
Thank you Kurt for heading out at the crack of dawn to give all the fatbikers and snowshoers some sweet trail to ride. Conditions are 10 out of 10.
Thursday February 11, 2021
Grooming Report #53:
Ryan was your groomer tonight. He laid some fresh corduroy for you all. No new snow. Reporting a firm base. 10 out of 10.
Tuesday February 9, 2021
Grooming Report #52:
Corey was your groomer for Tuesday night. He reports fresh corduroy and conditions a 10 out of 10.
Monday February 8, 2021
Grooming Report #51:
Scott groomed the 4 mile loop with a new piece of equipment he made. The results are fantastic. We will groom the whole loop with the new equipment on Tuesday night. Corduroy for miles.
Sunday February 7, 2021
Grooming Report #52:
Thank you Ricky for grooming the WST tonight. This is Ricky’s first time grooming the WST. Expect firm and fast with the berms solid and stacked.
Saturday February 6, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #51:
Thank you Dave for heading out this evening. He cleaned up the trail from all the activity today. Expect firm base for Sunday and our berms are stacked and solid.
Saturday February 6, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #50:
Thank you Kevin for heading out at the crack of dawn. We continue to use our vplow to plow off all that sugary dry snow to get back to our great base. This is our third swipe and it should be money today.
Friday February 5, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #49:
Thank you Ryan for heading out Friday night to do another swipe on the trail. Reporting a firm base however expect some soft spots on the two track once you cross Seeley Rd. Besides that expect fast.
Friday February 5, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #48:
Thank you Jeff for heading out at the crack of dawn to tackle the 8 inches of dry snow we received over night. We plowed it all off getting back to our firm base.
Wednesday February 3, 2021
NON Grooming Report:
The trail is freaky fast! Go get it. We cancelled Wednesday nights groom because you can’t improve on perfection.
Tuesday February 2, 2021
Grooming Report #47:
Thank you Corey for grooming Tuesday night. We have an exceptional firm base….10 out of 10.
Monday February 1, 2021
Grooming Report #46:
Thank you Kevin Andrews for grooming this evening. He continued to work on squaring up the base this evening. We have a firm base and firm corners. 10 out of 10.
Sunday January 31, 2021
Grooming Report #45:
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming Sunday night. We had some soft conditions today which lead to creating a rut in the trail. He spent extra time this evening to use our vplow to get ride of the sugary snow and eliminate the rut. Expecting a squared up base and firmer conditions.
Saturday January 30, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #44:
Thank you Dave Scott for grooming Saturday night after a day full of activity. He cleaned up the trail and we still are reporting a firm base. 10 out of 10. Snow expected overnight.
Saturday January 29, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #43:
Thank you Scott for heading out at the crack of dawn. He groomed 90% of the trail and established some new directional signs along with other confidence signs on your location. Base still firm and a 10 out of 10.
Friday January 28, 2021
Grooming Report #42:
Thank you Kurt for grooming Friday afternoon. He reports the trail is firm. 10 out of 10.
Thursday January 27, 2021
Grooming Report #41:
Thank you Ryan for grooming Thursday night. No new snow. Firm base. 10 out of 10.
Wednesday January 26, 2021
Grooming Report #40:
Thank you Jeff Harding for grooming on Wednesday night. 1-2 inches of new snow. He reports the base firm and fast.
Tuesday January 25, 2021
Grooming Report #39:
Thank you Corey for grooming on Tuesday night. No new snow. Base is firm and fast. 10 out of 10.
Monday January 24, 2021
Grooming Report #38:
Thank you Kevin Andrews for grooming the trail on Monday night. No new snow. Reporting a firm base. 10 out of 10.
Saturday January 23, 2021 Evening
Grooming Report #37:
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming Sunday evening. Received about an inch throughout the day of new snow. Reporting a firm base. Conditions a 10 out of 10.
Saturday January 23, 2021 Morning
Grooming Report #36:
Thank you Scott for heading out in those frigid temps to ensure our trail was ready for the weekend. Hard packed base. Fast conditions.
Friday January 22, 2021
Grooming Report #35:
Thank you Kurt for grooming Friday morning. Received another inch of fresh snow. He is reporting conditions a 10 out of 10.
Thursday January 21, 2021
Grooming Report #34:
Thank you Ryan for grooming Thursday night. Received about an inch of new snow and it packed in well. Expect a fast trail on Friday.
Tuesday January 19, 2021
Grooming Report #33:
Thank you Corey for grooming tonight in some cold temps. About 1/2 inch of fresh snow and it packed in well. Expect a fast trail .
Monday January 18, 2021
Grooming Report #32:
Thank you Kevin for grooming Monday night. We received a dusting of snow today and it is adhering nicely. He reports a firm base.
Sunday January 17, 2021
Grooming Report #31:
Thank you Kevin Andrews for grooming Sunday night after a day full of bikers and snowshoers. Reporting hard base.
Saturday January 16, 2021 PM
Grooming Report #30:
Thank you Dave for heading out Saturday night to groom the trail. The WST saw TONS of activity today. Still reporting a firm base with slick corners. Hoping next week those corners will start to firm up with temps dropping.
Saturday January 16, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #29:
Thank you Scott for heading out again on Saturday morning. We received another 3 plus inches of wet heavy snow. Many low hanging trees made for another tough groom. But he reported the trail is “glorious”. Expect the base to be firm with some slippery corners. Temps only reached 30 degrees overnight.
Friday January 15, 2021
Grooming Report #28:
4 inches of wet heavy snow left a big task for Kurt to groom today. It was a tough go but he made it through the whole trail. Expecting some soft conditions. Lower your PSI on your tires.
Wednesday January 13, 2021
Grooming Report #27:
Jeff Harding headed out this afternoon to attempt to build some berms. Go check them out. He is reporting “near perfect conditions”. Support our efforts and donate to our grooming badge today. Our volunteers are free but our expenses are not. See website for details. Thank you in advance for you support.
Monday January 11, 2021
Grooming Report #26:
Scott Dunham ventured out on the Polar Bear loop to test out some de-icing equipment. Still reporting firm base with little to no ice on entire trail system.
Saturday January 9, 2021
Grooming Report #25:
The trail was flooded with fatbikers from all over Michigan and beyond. We sent out Dave Scott Saturday night to scratch the surface for Sunday. Still reporting hard base. With no new snow I am expecting we will eventually start to get some ice spots. No exception it is still great riding. Do a snow dance !
Thursday January 7, 2021
Grooming Report #24:
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming this evening. We are reporting a solid base and no ice.
Wednesday January 6, 2021
Grooming Report #23:
Thank you Jeff Harding grooming Wednesday night. No new snow but he laid fresh corduroy for you.
Tuesday January 5, 2021
Grooming report #22
Cadillac area received about 2” of wet heavy snow. After grooming the trails are near perfection. Groomers have done some shoveling to build berms on a couple off the off camber sections.

Monday January 4, 2021
Groom #21
Kevin groomed for us Monday night and he reports a solid base which has allowed us to use the V-plow to remove the excess snow and start establishing some solid snow berms.
Sunday January 3, 2021
Grooming Report #20
Thank you Scott Dunham for heading out Sunday evening and touching up the trail after a day full of riders and snowshoers. Expect hard pack trail with some soft spots.

Saturday January 2,2021 PM
Grooming Report #19:
Thank you Dave Scott for heading out this evening to do a second groom of the day. He cleaned up a lot and is reporting a hard base. I would still anticipate some soft spots tomorrow but it should be good. Plus the trail is getting narrow and berms are being established (not set up yet but we are getting there) which as mountain bikers we all want and enjoy ! Next groom is Sunday night.
Saturday January 2, 2021 AM
Grooming Report #18
Wow almost 12 inches of wet packable snow in 4 days. Thank you to our groomers for staying on top of this.
Thank you Kevin Andrews for heading out at the crack of dawn to tackle that 5 inches of new wet packable snow received Friday night.
The snowmobile, v-plow and drag pan did great. Still left us with soft spots for sure. But so many riders and snowshoers packed in the 4 mile loop on the east side of Seeley Rd (Polar Bear Loop) very well. Not many ventured to the hills of the west but I did. Definitely soft today but expected and rode the whole thing.
Friday January 1, 2022
Grooming Report #17:
We have groomed three times since 12/30. We groomed Thursday morning and evening and again Friday at 2pm.
We have a hard base with some soft corners (due to the 6 inches of fresh snow received on Wednesday). But after today’s groom our soft corners are almost all gone. Next groom is scheduled for first thing Saturday morning with fresh snow coming over night. Your groomers for Thursday and Friday were Kevin Andrews, Jeff Harding and Kurt Reinhardt. Also, Kevin Andrews is out grooming right now!

Thursday December 31, 2020 PM
Grooming Report #16:
Wow what a day at the Cadillac Pathway. Parking lot was full of locals and out of town folks. Jeff Harding headed out for an evening groom to smooth out the trail from all the traffic from today. Friday should yield a firm base with still some soft spots. Still a hoot to ride.
Want first hand grooming reports ? Snag a grooming badge today to get them and help fund the expenses of providing you an awesome trail.
Thursday December 31, 2020 AM
Grooming Report #15
Thank you Kevin Andrews for waking at the crack of dawn to head out and smooth out the trail for today. Base is hard but sides and some corners are soft. Still awesome riding.
Wednesday December 30, 2020
Grooming Report #14
Tuesday December 29, 2020
Grooming Report #13:
Thank you Corey for grooming this evening. Reports that the base is hard pack and the new snow received on Monday has adhered nicely .
Monday December 28, 2020
Recevied 1-2 inches of snow and riders and snowshoers have packed it in nice
Sunday December 27, 2020
Grooming Report #12:
Thank you Ryan for grooming Sunday afternoon. Base is hard and new snow is adhering very nice.
Pine tree sections are thin as usual for this time of year and the amount of snow.
Support the grooming badge program Without your support we cannot groom
Saturday December 26, 2020
Grooming Report #11:
Thank you Dave Scott for grooming tonight. Less than an inch of new snow. Hard pack with some ice. Will not groom again until we get more snow.
Wednesday December 24, 2020
Grooming Report #10:
The trail has complete snow/ice coverage. No dirt showing anywhere, even in the pine trees.
Trail surface is a flexible icy base. You can feel the gap between the ice with the ground give as you travel across it. So it will likely ride a little slow until its seen some traffic. With the 1-2” of powder we’ve gotten today and the flex of the ice the trail will be good to ride on Christmas. Just be careful in the corners. (Report from Jeff Harding … thank you Jeff!)
Tuesday December 22, 2020
Grooming Report #9:
Thank you Scott Dunham for heading out and grooming this morning. Received 2-3 inches of new snow. Fatbikers came off the trail and gave it a two thumbs up.
WST is for snowshoers and fat bikes only. PLEASE no street shoes or boots.

Sunday December 20, 2020
Grooming Report #8:
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming all 11 miles tonight. He reports that it is excellent condition! Hoping our temps remain cold and more snow will come soon.
Saturday December 19, 2020
Grooming Report #7 :
Thank you Dave Scott ! He did a full groom tonight and reports that the base is hard packed and in great shape.
Grab your grooming badge today to support our efforts.
Friday December 18, 2020
Grooming Report # 6:
Kurt did a full groom of entire trail today. Base is firming up but expect some soft spots. Reports coming in that people are running around 3-4 psi
Thursday December 17, 2020
No groom due to scheduling conflicts. Next groom planned for tomorrow.
Wednesday December 16, 2020
Grooming Report #5:
Thank you Jeff Harding for grooming the entire 11 miles tonight. Reports are coming in that the base is firm but still expect some soft spots. The west aide was just opened and we need riders and snowshoers. Expect some soft spots.
Grab a grooming badge today to help support the expenses of both these trails.
⊆mTuesday December 15, 2020 PM
Grooming Report #4:
Thank you Corey Nederhood for grooming the entire 11 miles tonight.
Polar Bear loop (4 mile loop from trailhead on east side of Seeley Rd) has been groomed several times now and has had many riders. Expect firmer conditions.
The 7 miles on the west side have only been groomed once with no riders yet. Expect conditions to be soft
Tuesday December 15, 2020 Early Afternoon
Grooming Report #3:
Jeff Harding was able to open up the remainder of the trail on the west side. He drove the entire loop twice with snowmobile only.
Sunday December 13, 2020 PM
Grooming Report #2
Jeff Harding groomed the polar bear this evening. The west side will be opened up later this week and should be ready for the weekend !
Grab your grooming badge today !
Sunday December 13, 2020
Grooming Report #2:
The 4 mile loop on the east side of Seeley Rd has been groomed. Expect soft conditions. Need riders and snowshoers out there. Thank you Jeff Harding for the groom. We will continue to work on opening up the west side this week.
Saturday December 12, 2020
Grooming Report 1:
Received 10-12 inches of wet and heavy snow. Was able to clear the 4 mile loop on the east side with snowmobile only. Cleared a couple of miles on the west side. 7 hours out on the trails today. Grab a grooming badge to help with our expenses. Your groomer today was Jeff Harding
Friday March 6, 2020
Grooming Report #48:
Thank you Scott for grooming tonight. We received around 1/2 to 1 inch of snow on Thursday. He groomed the entire trail just to smooth things out. Expect a firm base until the temps start to rise. Be mindful of your imprint and adjust tire pressure. We have 3 very small sections of our west loop that have been exposed to a logging operation. This will NOT interfere with your riding. The loggers have just created a logging road so far and cutting of trees has NOT taken place yet.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. See our website for details.
Friday February 28, 2020
Grooming Report #47:
Thank you Scott for grooming tonight. The entire trail was groomed (including the logging section). We have received 2-3 inches of lake effect snow along with some snow drifts from the wind. Expect a hard base that will be firm and fast to ride. Watch for potential ice spot here or there. No new logging efforts have been made so the ENTIRE trail should be great to ride. The current logging only has affected our trail in 3 very short sections. DO NOT let this deter you from riding.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. See website for details.
Wednesday February 26, 2020
The WST is being reported that it is in amazing shape. No new logging efforts have been made since last Friday. It only affects 3 small sections and is very rideable. Crunchy ice base with plenty of grip.
Monday February 24, 2020
Grooming Report #46:
Thank you Kurt for grooming this morning. The entire trail was groomed including the furthest 2 miles out where we have three small sections been exposed to logging operations. Reports are coming in that it is fast and firm.
Support our grooming efforts by donating to the grooming badge program. Visit website for details.
Sunday February 23, 2020
Grooming Report #45:
Thank you Kevin for waking up at the crack of dawn to go out and groom for Sunday’s activities! Expect stellar conditions . Watch tire pressure and if you are leaving a rut.
Due to logging operation that began on Friday we will stop grooming the last 2 mile loop furthest to the west. We groomed it on Friday night so there is a path through their logging road. As of now the operation has only affected 3 very short sections. It is still rideable and FUN! Dirt is exposed and therefore we will not drive the snowmobile through the dirt.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today.
Friday February 21, 2020
Grooming Report #44:
Thank you Scott for grooming tonight. Trail is stellar ! However today the MDNR started a logging operation. There are three spots on the west loop (closest to CTC) where logging trucks have created a road to begin their operations. They are SHORT and we groomed a path through the road. Should be fine for the weekend. Next week maybe a different story.
Support our efforts by donating to the grooming badge program today ! See the website for details.
Thursday February 20, 2020
Grooming Report #43:
Thank you Scott for grooming tonight. Expect firm, fast and fun ! The three F’s
Wednesday February 19, 2020
Grooming Report #42:
Thank you Kurt for grooming for us today. Reports are in that the trail conditions are good with a few soft spots. Please watch your tire pressure and do not leave a rut.
Support our efforts by a contribution to our grooming expenses. See website for details.
Tuesday February 18, 2020
Grooming Report #41:
Thank you Dave Scott for heading out this evening for the second groom of the day. We received another 2 inches after the morning groom. Our expectation is a firm base. Get out and enjoy the snow globe. We have another groom planned for Wednesday night.
Support our grooming efforts by helping with grooming expenses. See website for details or visit McLain’s.
Tuesday February 18, 2020
Grooming Report #40
Thank you Jeff for being a teacher and having the day off! He was out there first thing this morning. We received 4-6 inches of wet heavy snow so far. We used the V-plow and was able to plow the snow off the trail. Expect good riding conditions today. We have another groom planned for this evening.
Support our efforts by helping donating to the expenses for our groomed trails. Visit McLain’s in Cadillac or our website to make a donation.
Monday February 17, 2020
Grooming Report #39
Thank you Kurt for heading out this afternoon to touch up the trail. The trail is in stellar shape! However we have 3-6 inches in the forecast starting at 7pm tonight. Tomorrow maybe soft. Our next groom is scheduled for Tuesday night.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Check website for details.
Sunday February 16, 2020
Grooming Report #38:
Thank you Jeff for grooming this evening. We had a huge turn out at the Cadillac Pathway today so a groom this evening to touch up the trail is what the doctor ordered. Expected stellar conditions tomorrow!
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Check Website for details.
Saturday February 15, 2020
Grooming Report #37:
Thank you Kevin for grooming this evening. We received between 1/2 inch to one inch of new snow. Trail is still in excellent shape with a firm base.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Check website for details.
Friday February 14, 2020
Grooming Report #36:
Happy Valentines Day and Thank you Scott for grooming this afternoon. The base should be in excellent condition and ready for Saturday traffic !
Go out and enjoy !
Wednesday February 12, 2020
Grooming Report #35
Thank you Kurt for grooming this evening. The base is firm and fast. All new snow has been packed in.
Support our efforts by buying a grooming badge today. Check out website for details.
Tuesday February 11, 2020
Grooming Report #34:
Thank you Dave for grooming this evening. It is in perfect condition. Reports are in that the berms are “rockin”.
Support our efforts by buying a grooming badge today ! See website for details.
Monday February 10, 2020
Grooming Report #33:
Thank you Jeff for grooming this evening. It was much needed after today’s activities and some soft snow. Expect it to set up well tonight and be great tomorrow.
Monday February 10, 2020
Grooming Report #32:
Thank you Kurt for grooming this am. With the amount of snow we received expect some soft conditions today. Watch your tire pressure.
Sunday February 9, 2020
Grooming Report #31:
Thank you to Corey for grooming this evening. We received between 6-8″ of snow between 2pm and 11pm today. Expect some soft conditions until it sets up. Please report in if you ride on Monday and let us know how it is. We have grooms scheduled every day this week.
Support our grooming efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit McLain’s in Cadillac or our website for further details.
Saturday February 8, 2020
Grooming Report #30:
Thank you to Kevin for heading out this evening to touch up the trail for Sunday’s activities. Expect firm and fast with some ice patches. Snow is on its way!!!
Support our grooming efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit McLain’s in Cadillac or our website for further details.
Wednesday February 5, 2020
Grooming Report #29:
Thank you to Kurt for heading out this evening to “scratch” the surface. Expect firm and fast with a few icy spots.
Support our grooming efforts (we are on groom #29) and donate to a grooming badge today. Our volunteers are free but our expenses or not.
Tuesday February 4, 2020
Grooming Report #28:
Thank you Jeff Harding for heading out this afternoon to groom the trail. We have received no new snow but with the freeze/thaw we groomed to scratch the service to make it less icy. It is firm and fast just be careful on corners. Next groom is planned for Wednesday night.
Like the WST? Consider donating to our expenses by getting a grooming badge today. Visit McLain’s or on this website. The money raised from the badges pays the expenses of the two trails.

Saturday February 1, 2020
Grooming Report #27:
Thank you to Kevin Andrews for grooming this evening. Night ride after groom was amazing!!! Fast and firm. Berms are high and very close to all of them being solid.
Friday January 31, 2020
Grooming Report #26
Thank you to Scott Dunham for grooming this evening. The trail is firm and fast. 10 out of 10.
Thursday January 30, 2020
Last groom was on Tuesday night. No new snow and the conditions are firm and fast. Next groom scheduled is for Friday night so you have pristine conditions on Saturday.
Hug a groomer and support our efforts by donating to our grooming badge program today. Visit website or McLain’s in Cadillac. Our volunteer’s are free our expenses are not. All money raised goes to support both trails.
Tuesday January 28, 2020
Grooming Report #25
Thank you Dave Scott, aka D2, for grooming this evening. Expect firm and fast conditions for Wednesday activities! Get out and enjoy.
Like to ride WST? Donate to our grooming expenses by getting a grooming badge today. It goes to support two groomed trails. You can donate via this webpage or visit McLain’s in Cadillac.
Monday January 27, 2020
Grooming Report #24
Thank you to Kurt for heading out this evening to touch up the base and give way to firm fast conditions for Tuesday rider’s and snowshoers.
Like to ride WST? Donate to our grooming expenses by getting a grooming badge today. It goes to support two groomed trails. You can donate via this webpage or visit McLain’s in Cadillac.
Sunday January 26, 2020
Grooming Report #23
Thank you to Corey for heading out this evening to clean up the trail from Sunday’s action. The base if firm expect excellent conditions. Some soft spots on the side of the trail to be aware of.
Reports came in from a GR rider “An absolute fatbike superhighway. Take the day off tomorrow and go here to ride absolutely perfect groomed singletrack.” after his ride on Sunday evening.
Like to ride WST? Donate to our grooming expenses by getting a grooming badge today. It goes to support two groomed trails. You can donate via this webpage or visit McLain’s in Cadillac.
Sunday January 26, 2020
Grooming Report #22
Thank you Scott D for getting up early and grooming the trail. Our expectation with temps below freezing is firm and fast.
Like to ride WST? Donate to our grooming expenses by getting a grooming badge today. It goes to support two groomed trails.
Saturday January 25,2020
Grooming Report #21
Thank you Kevin for grooming this morning. Smoothed out all activity from Friday. Temps above freezing so expect soft spots.
Thursday January 23, 2020
Grooming Report #20
Thank you Kurt for grooming this evening. We received another 3 inches of snow. Groomed up well. Reporting a firm base and excellent conditions.
Winter Sports Trail is for snowshoers and fat bikers only. Please do not wear shoes or boots on the trail. They create potholes that are hard to mend.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit our website or McLain’s in Cadillac.
Tuesday January 21, 2020
Grooming Report #19
Thank you Dave Scott for grooming this evening. No new snow. Base is firm and excellent.
Winter Sports Trail is for snowshoers and fat bikers only. Please do not wear shoes or boots on the trail. They create potholes that are hard to mend.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit our website or McLain’s in Cadillac.
Monday January 20, 2020
Grooming Report #18:
Thank you Kurt for grooming this evening. The reports are coming in that the base is excellent. Next groom scheduled for Tuesday at 5:30pm.
Winter Sports Trail is for snowshoers and fat bikers only. Please do not wear shoes or boots on the trail. They create potholes that are hard to mend.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit our website or McLain’s in Cadillac.
Sunday January 19, 2020
Grooming Report #17
WOW what a day on the Cadillac Pathway. People were out in force today! Many XC skiers, snowshoers and fatbikers.
Thank you Corey for heading out this evening and touching up the Winter Sports Trail to be ready for fatbikers and snowshoers tomorrow. Expecting base to continue to firm up. Expect soft spots here and there.
Winter Sports Trail is for snowshoers and fat bikers only. Please do not wear shoes or boots on the trail. They create potholes that are hard to mend.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit our website or McLain’s in Cadillac.
Sunday January 19, 2020
Grooming Report #16
Thank you Kevin for heading out this morning (even before your morning coffee) to groom the trail. We received another 2-3 inches over night. After last nights groom and this morning we are expecting rideable conditions with some soft spots.
The Winter Sports Trail is for fatbikers and snowshoers only please. Shoes and boots leave potholes that are hard to mend.
Support our grooming efforts and donate to a grooming badge today. Visit McLain’s in Cadillac or on this website.
Saturday January 18, 2020 PM
Grooming Report #15
Thank you Dave for heading out at 5:30 tonight to groom another 4-5 inches. Reported the east side bumps are smoothing out. Hoping snow sets up over night. Next groom is scheduled for Sunday morning.
WST is for fat-bikers and snowshoes ONLY. NO shoes or boots as they leave potholes. Make it in enjoyable for all.
Saturday January 18, 2020 AM
Grooming Report #14
Thank you Scott for heading out after receiving 4-6 inches of snow Friday night/Saturday morning. Snow continues to fall and are expecting soft conditions.
Thursday January 16, 2020
Grooming Report #13
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming this evening. We received 2 inches of new snow . The trail is in excellent shape. The pine tree sections are thin but improving.
Big storm coming and we have groomers lined up for Saturday morning, Saturday early evening, Sunday morning and Sunday early evening. We will monitor snowfall and groom as needed.
Support our efforts and donate to a grooming badge today. All our volunteers are not paid. All money goes towards expenses to run equipment, maintain equipment for both trails. You can donate through this website or visit McLain’s in Cadillac.
WST is for fatbikers and snowshoers. No boots or shoes PLEASE !
Wednesday January 15, 2020
Grooming Report #12
Thank you Kurt for grooming this am. Conditions are excellent except the pine tree sections which are still thin.
Had visitors from Traverse City today – Mike and Lulu. When asked how do you like the trail ? They replied with “We will be back !”
Support our grooming efforts by donating to a grooming badge today ! Visit our website or McLain’s in Cadillac to donate to one today
Monday January 13, 2020
Grooming Report #11
Thank you Kurt for heading out at 6:30 tonight to touch up the winter sports trail. Received about an inch of new snow plus the warm up during the day today provided moisture. We are expecting a firm base by tomorrow.
Support our efforts by donating to our grooming badge program today. Visit McLain’s in Cadillac or check out our website.
WST is for fatbikers and snowshoes only PLEASE NO boots or shoes they leave potholes that are are to mend without a lot of snow.
Sunday January 12, 2020
Grooming Report # 10 – Thank you to Scott Dunham who headed out on this crisp morning but sunny morning to groom the 4-6 inches of sugary snow we received overnight.
Conditions are soft but totally rideable. The west side of Seeley Rd are better due to the base that survived from all the rain.
We had three Grand Rapids guys ride today and here was their report “We freaking loved it.”
Please support our efforts and grooming expenses by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit our website or a McCain’s in Cadillac.
WST is for fatbikers and snowshoes only PLEASE NO boots or shoes they leave potholes that are are to mend without a lot of snow.
Wednesday January 8, 2020
Grooming Report #9
Thank you Dave Scott for going out and grooming the entire trail system on a chilly night. He freshed up the base and help pack in the additional inch of snow we received since the last groom.
The west side of Seeley Rd are in excellent condition. The east side of Seeley Rd (from trailhead) are improving. Very rideable with a couple of bumpy sections.
Support our efforts by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit McLain in Cadillac or on our website.
WST is for fatbikers and snowshoers. Please no shoes or boots as they leave big potholes that are difficulty to mend without a lot of snow.
Tuesday January 7, 2020
Grooming Report #8
Thank you Kurt Reinhart for grooming today. He departed around noon after receiving another inch after Sunday’s groom. Everything groomed up well. Then the sun cane out and help it set up nicely.
Reports from riders indicate excellent conditions and fast.
Support our grooming by donating to a badge today. Details on our website or visit McLains in Cadillac .
WST is open to fatbikers and snowshoers. Please avoid shoes and boots as they leave potholes that are tough to mend

Sunday January 5, 2020
Grooming Report #7
Thank you Scott Dunham for grooming this evening around 4pm. We received 2-4 inches of snow and it groomed up beautifully. Our pine tree sections are still rough but they are short so just grind it out.
Support our grooming by donating to a badge today. Details on our website or visit McLains in Cadillac .
WST is open to fatbikers and snowshoers PLEASE no boots or street shoes.
Thursday January 2, 2020
Grooming Report #6
Thank you Jeff Harding for grooming Thursday tonight. He was able to smooth out what snow we do have before it froze again.
The first 1/2 mile of our trail in either direction (counter clockwise or clockwise) is in the pines Therefore thin and bumpy. Grind it out until you get past it.
The east side of Seeley Rd has some bare spots but the remainder has a crisp corduroy on top of what base we do have.
The west side of Seeley Rd always holds snow better for whatever reason. A nice crisp corduroy top to provide grip. Plenty of hills to give you a workout.
Come join us at the CPWST for a fatbike or snowshoe adventure !
Support our trails by donating to a grooming badge today.

Wednesday January 1, 2020
Grooming Report #5
Happy New Year! Received another couple of inches on New Year’s Eve. Thank you to Kevin Andrews for heading out bright and early to groom the WST to start off the New Year. Then a group of fatbikers from the Cadillac Cycling Club headed out on the freshly groomed trail to help pack it down. Rating it a 7 out of 10. First pass was tough but on the second and third lap it was much improved.
WST is for snowshoers and fat bikers. Please do not walk on it with street shoes/boots as they leave big old potholes which do not make it enjoyable for anyone.
Support our two groomed trail systems by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit website or Cadillac McLain’s Bike Shop.
Tuesday December 31, 2019
Grooming Report #4
We have received approximately 4-5 inches of snow. Thank you to Kurt for heading out and grooming the WST. Pine tree sections are thin but rating the rest of the conditions a 6 out of 10.
Support our two groomed trail systems by donating to a grooming badge today. Visit website or Cadillac McLain’s Bike Shop.
Wednesday December 4, 2019
Grooming Report #3
Dave Scott and our own Grooming Elf tackled our first groom. They worked on building up the base. At this time trail conditions are a little rough, and snow is still soft after the groom. Hoping for more snow soon and we will continue to build that base.
Support our efforts by buying a grooming badge. 100% of the money goes to maintenance expenses of both trail systems.
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Grooming Report #2
Kurt Reinhart and Michele Andrews took the sled out only to finish clearing the trail of heavy laden trees with snow and ice.
Support our efforts by buying a grooming badge. 100% of the money goes to maintenance expenses of both trail systems.
Monday December 2,2019
Grooming Report #1
Scott Dunham and Kurt Reinhart took the sled out only this evening and cleared trail of all the heavy laden trees with snow and ice
Support our efforts by buying a grooming badge. 100% of the money goes to maintenance expenses of both trail systems.
Monday April 1, 2019
The Winter Sports Trail is officially closed for the season. Thank you for all your support. All activities have resumed on the Cadillac Pathway trail – hiking, trail running and mountain biking.
If you would like the support our efforts please consider donating to our cause via this website.
Sunday March 10, 2019
Grooming Report #15 – The one and only Scott Dunham has groomed the WST this morning, his report is that the base is solid and ready to go! Looks like our elevation is prolonging our winter riding for a few more days!
Tomorrow’s temp is not supposed to get above 30 so get out and ride!!!!
Tuesday we start to warm up and we will wait to see what happens to the base.
Enjoy it while we have it!!!
Friday March 8, 2019
Grooming Report #14 – Thank you to Erik Rogers for grooming Friday evening to prep the trails for an awesome weekend. The conditions remain a 10 out of 10.
WST is for fat bikes and snowshoes only PLEASE. Street shoes leave divots that take time and snow to repair and leaves an unpleasant experience for the next user.
Wednesday March 6, 2019
Grooming Report #13 – Thank you to Scott Dunham for grooming this evening for you all. He rates the conditions a 10 out of 10.
The trail is still in great shape for this weekend, at least until Sunday morning! So if you need a reason to look ridiculous, come on out to Cadillac! Our trail will put a smile on your face that not even Monday can take away!!!
Also, if you want to encourage a young local rider who is raising money for some new Single-track, come check out Jared Dunham churn out the miles for twelve hours on the WST!!! His gofundme page is on social media. Trouble finding it please email us at
Winter Sports Trial is for fat bikers and snow shoes only please. Why? Street shoes leave divots that are unrepairable.
Sunday March 3, 2019
Grooming Report #12 – Thank you to David Scott aka D2 for spending his Sunday night to touch up the trails after a weekend of fun activity. We saw lots of riders and snowshoes on the trail. Visitors from down state were there and that makes our groomers happy to see the activity.
The trails this week should be stellar. So take a day off and come see us.
Support our efforts by buying a badge today. All money goes directly into the trail system. All our groomers volunteer their time.
Picture is of Erik Rogers, one of your groomers, enjoying the “berm” on a beautiful sunny day. (FYI – you do not have to catch air on this berm if that is not your thing.)
Saturday March 2, 2019
Grooming Report #11 – Thank you to Erik Rogers for spending his Saturday morning freshening up the trail after receiving another 4 inches over night. Conditions should still be spectacular. After Erik rode on Saturday here was his report.
“AMAZING! What else can we say? With the cold weather and good base, our trail is simply amazing! This week should be one to tell your skinny tire friends about, so they can begin to understand our fascination with the white “Gnar”!
Thank you to all users who make our grooming efforts worth it!!!”
Our WST is for fat bikes and snow shoes only please. Shoes leave large divots and are very hard to repair.
Wednesday February 27, 2019
Grooming Report #10 – Thank you to Erik Rogers for spending his Wednesday evening grooming. “WST was groomed twice again on Wednesday night, the snow has been epic this year and getting the new snow off the trail is proving to be a challenge, but, speed and a fearless sense of adventure shall prevail!!! We have our base back! But, we need riders!!! Let’s get out and shred!!!!!” Report from Erik. Hug a groomer today!
We encourage the WST to be for fat bikes and snowshoes only. WHY? Street shoes and boots do not distribute your weight evenly and they leave divots. Which is a nightmare for the next user and when we groom again. Please and thank you.
Tuesday February 26, 2019
Grooming Report #9 – Thank you to the Dunham duo Scott and Mya for taking their Tuesday evening and grooming the WST. The snow is sugary but we have used our new grooming device to groom down to our existing base. Had a report from a trail rider after the groom that it was firm and all hills were manageable. So grab your fattie or snow shoes and get out and enjoy their hard efforts. Rating conditions a 7 out of 10.
No street shoes or boots please. Why? Shoes and boots without snow shoes strapped to them leave big divots in the snow which are hard to repair and unenjoyable to ride or walk on. Please and Thank you! Like what you see? Then consider supporting the grooming expenses with a buying a grooming badge today. Enjoy!
Monday February 25, 2019
Grooming Report #8 – Well after Sunday’s blizzard and epic winds we want to thank Erik Rogers and Scott Dunham for heading out on the WST to see what happened on the trail. They drove the sled only for one pass tackling any down trees and limbs. Then they did a second pass with our new groomer which thankfully has a v-plow on the front to push the snow off the trail. The results are sweet corduroy. Conditions should be good today with some soft corners. Next groom is planned for tonight. The picture represents what they battled tonight.
Support the grooming expenses by picking up a badge today. Head on over to Mclain’s in Cadillac and Allen will help you out or on our website you can purchase one.
WST is for fatbiking and snowshoeing only. PLEASE no street shoes or boots – Why? Shoes and boots leave large divots in the snow which are hard to repair. Snowshoes allow you to distribute your weight more evenly. Please and thank you.
Thursday February 21, 2019
Grooming Report #7 – so happy to report that our snowmobile is back in action. Thank you to Erik Rogers for taking his Thursday evening and grooming the entire winter sports trail for you all today. With our new grooming device and some cold temperatures last night it should set up very well for you. Get out and enjoy the trail before the warm up this weekend. During the warm up this weekend we are asking you kindly to stay off the trail if you’re leaving more than a 1 inch divot.
Support our grooming expenses by buying a badge today.
Sunday February 17, 2019
Grooming Report #6 – Thank you to Scott Dunham for grooming the trail system once again on Sunday afternoon. The Polar Bear Loop (four mile loop east of Seeley Rd) is soft and going to take some time to set up. The trails west of Seeley Road are solid and ride able. Rating west side conditions a 7 out of 10 and the east side to be 5 out of 10. We expect to groom a couple of times this week and expecting excellent conditions by the weekend. Make plans today to join us on the Cadillac Pathway. We have something for everyone….xc ski, snowshoe or fatbike.
REMINDER the WST is for fatbikes and snowshoes only. Fatbikers please run low tire pressure if you are leaving more than a 1 inch rut. We are recommending between 3-5 psi.
PLEASE NO STREET SHOES…..Why?…..our base is too soft and street shoes leave big holes in the trail. Wearing snowshoes solves this problem and helps us pack in the base even more.
Support our grooming efforts by buying a grooming badge today. Please check out the website or stop into McLain’s in Cadillac.
Saturday February 16, 2019
Grooming Report #5 – Thank you to the MDNR for letting us borrow a snowmobile to dig ourselves out of the latest snow storm while ours is out for repairs. Saturday morning Dave Scott headed out with the snowmobile to “find” our trail again. He drove over the entire trail system 3 times with the snowmobile. A few hours later Scott Dunham headed out with the sled and our BRAND NEW groomer. The new groomer has a v-plow on the front and a drag pan in the back. It worked wonderfully. It will take a few grooms and some good temperatures to set up the base.
Purchases for BOTH trail systems comes from your donations to our grooming badge program.
REMINDER the WST is for fatbikes and snowshoes only. Fatbikers please run low tire pressure if you are leaving more than a 1 inch rut. We are recommending between 3-5 psi.
PLEASE NO STREET SHOES…..Why?…..our base is too soft and street shoes leave big holes in the trail. Wearing snowshoes solves this problem and helps us pack in the base even more.
Thank you to our groomers !
UPDATE – January 31, 2019
The snowmobile that grooms the WST has suffered damage as we were trying to groom the foot of snow we received along with snowdrifts. Parts are on order and as soon as we can groom we post. Until then get out on those snowshoes or visit one of our other NMMBA fat bike trails (VASA, Glacial Hills, and Leelanhau).
UPDATE – January 28, 2019
As you all know we were hit very hard with the snowfall on Monday January 28th. We received over a foot of snow and then snow drifts on top of that. We will be sending out crews very soon with just the snowmobile to find the trail again. Then we will be following with our grooming device as many times as necessary. It is going to take a little while to dig ourselves out. We will keep you posted.
We recently just purchased a new piece of equipment with a V-Plow to help us shove snow off the trail. It will be arriving any day. Thank you to a local volunteer for driving to pick it up to save on shipping charges. A large purchase for your trail system and we continue to thank you for your grooming badge donations to help support expenses like these.
Friday January 25, 2019
Grooming Report #4 – Thank you to Dave Scott for braving the cold temps and grooming your WST for weekend enjoyment. The east side trails were groomed twice and the west side trails once. We expect a good base for weekend enjoyment. There is one tiny section on the east side loop that is bumpy in the pine trees. It lasts for 1/10th of a mile or so.
Please NO SHOES on the WST. Shoes leave big divots that do not mend with a groom. If you do not have snowshoes please consider walking on the side of the trail. Let’s make the trail enjoyable for ALL! Please and thank you.
Please support our grooming efforts by buying a grooming badge today. Visit our website or stop in and see Allen at McLain’s. All money from these badges goes directly into the two trail systems we groom for normal operating expenses. All our groomers are volunteers.
Wednesday January 23, 2019
Grooming Report #3 – Thank you to Erik Rogers for grooming tonight. He groomed the entire Winter Sports Trail not only once but TWICE! With temps in the teen’s we expect it to set up nice and be ready for fat bikers and snowshoes tomorrow. Get out and help pack it in even more.
Please NO SHOES on the WST. Shoes leave big divots that do not mend with a groom. If you do not have snowshoes please consider walking on the side of the trail. Let’s make the trail enjoyable for ALL! Please and thank you.
Please support our grooming efforts by buying a grooming badge today. Visit our website or stop in and see Allen at McLain’s. All money from these badges goes directly into the two trail systems we groom for normal operating expenses. All our groomers are volunteers.
Thursday January 10, 2019
Grooming Report #2 – Thank you to Erik and Dave for grooming tonight. The West Side (from CTC to Seeley Rd) has been groomed. With temps in the teens we expect it to set up well for Friday and the weekend.
From the main trailhead staying on the east side has been groomed by fat bikers. Besides our couple of short sections through the pines it is in great condition.
Supoort out efforts by buying a grooming badge today. See our website for details.
Saturday January 5, 2019
Grooming Report #1 – The WST on the EAST side of Seeley road have been manually groomed by fatbikers and snowshoers.
The WST on the WEST side of Seeley road all the way to CTC have been groomed by the sled and drag pan. With the moisture in the snow from yesterday we expect that the trail firmed up last night and should be in a good condition today.
Thank you to Dave Scott for checking out the east side trails yesterday by bike. Thank you to Scott and Mya Dunham for taking the sled out for the first time this year. The first groom is always the most difficult.
Trailhead signs are on order and will be up soon.
Please respect the trail etiquette. Please use snowshoes and fat bikes only on the WST. Walkers leave big postholes that do not mend.
Support our efforts and purchase your grooming badge today. All money goes directly into the two groomed trail systems.
Monday February 5, 2018
Grooming Report #17 – Thank you Dave Scott aka “D2” for grooming tonight.
We spent four hours grooming on Sunday to find numerous deep divots from street shoes today. The base is soft. Rating conditions a 4/10.
Let’s keep the trail smooth and enjoyable for all.
Fat Bikers lower tire pressure if leaving more than 1/2 inch rut.
Walkers PLEASE use snowshoes. Base is too soft for regular shoes.
Sunday February 4, 2018
Grooming Report #16 – we finally have enough snow to groom ! It has been almost one month since our last groom. We give it a 4/10, it is soft so use super low tire pressure. Remember when riding in a group to spread out the tracks this will help with compaction and help to prevent a tire groove.
Also remember, the trail is here for all of us to use but we all must use good judgment, if you walk it and you leave deep footsteps please Refrain
Thursday January 11, 2018
UPDATE – With this heatwave and rain we are currently experiencing it is advised to PLEASE stay off the Winter Sports Trail until Saturday. Deep divots from shoes/boots and deep ruts from fatbikes are not mendable without A LOT of new snow.
Lets preserve our base and make it enjoyable for all when the temperatures drop.
Tuesday January 9, 2018
Grooming Report #15 – Thank you Dave Scott for grooming the entire WST. We smoothed out the footprints, snow drifts and tire marks before the heatwave. Rating the base 8 out of 10.
PLEASE watch tire pressure during this warm up. Leaving more then an inch rut either adjust your tire pressure or choose a different sport.
WALKERS – please use snowshoes ONLY during this heatwave. Deep divots take A LOT of snow to mend.
Monday January 8, 2018
UPDATE – even after two grooms on Sunday the snow drift area was blown over by Monday This section is very short on the four mile loop on the east side of Seeley Rd.
Fatbikers you may have to walk this.
Next groom scheduled for Tuesday night around 6pm. Please try to stay off trail after the groom until Wednesday.
With warmer temps please be sure to watch tire pressures and footprints. If you are leaving deep ruts – adjust your tire pressure. If you are leaving divots from shoes – please wear snowshoes. Let’s keep the base enjoyable for all.
Sunday January 7, 2018
Grooming Report #14 – Thank you Erik Rogers for grooming the whole trail system on Sunday afternoon. We had some snow drift sections that he made two swipes through. An area we will be addressing in the future – potentially snow fences. The snow is still very dry but we keep grooming to pack it in the best we can. I would rate the conditions an 8 out of 10.
Get out and ride or snowshoe!
Thursday January 4, 2018
Grooming Report #13 – Thank you Dave Scott for braving the frigid temps to groom the entire trail system.
We had a good couple of inches of fresh snow that have now been packed in. We anticipate the results to be a nice firm base for weekend enjoyment !
Get out and enjoy!
Tuesday January 2, 2018
Grooming Report #12 – Erik Rogers groomed this evening. We had a lot of fresh snow and snow drifts on the trail that were tackled this evening. We are expecting conditions to be an 8 out of 10 today. Next groom is scheduled for Thursday evening.
Saturday December 30, 2017
Grooming Report #11 – Scott and Mya Dunham groomed this afternoon. The base is firm and excellent to ride.
Thursday December 28, 2017
Grooming Report #10 – Rob Millen and Michele Andrews ventured out this evening in 8 degree weather to groom up some super fine single track ! Come check out the results !
We re-routed one hill so that section will be soft until we groom it a few more times.
We also groomed last years two track near CTC. Thought that loop would be good for walkers
Monday December 25, 2017
Grooming Report #9 – Scott and Jared Dunham groomed the entire trail system on Christmas Day. We received around 2-4 inches of dry snow and they spent their afternoon packing it in. Our expectations with the colder temps will be that it will set up for nicely for your weekly enjoyment. Next groom scheduled for Thursday at 5pm.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Friday December 22, 2017
Grooming Report #8 – Dave Scott headed out tonight to groom the whole trail for your weekend enjoyment !
A lot of moisture in the snow so it packed well. We are hoping the temps dropped low enough to set it up.
The ENTIRE 10ish miles is open and ready for your enjoyment !
LEAVE NO TRACE – If you are leaving divots from shoes PLEASE wear snowshoes. Also watch tire pressure. The perfect range is 3-5 psi but could go as low as 1-2 psi. No tire ruts please. With no new snow in our forecast it would take a long time to fill in holes and ruts. PLEASE and THANK YOU!
Please watch your tire pressure and wear snowshoes if your footprint is leaving divots.
Monday December 18, 2017
Grooming Update #7 – Erik Rogers and Dave Scott (D2) attempted to groom the entire trail. Our groomers leave from CTC and they had to abort the mission at Seeley Rd because our hitch broke. Thankfully at a VERY convenient spot for us to drive and pick it up by vehicle. (Since then our hitch has been repaired and improved – Thank you Rob Millen.)
The trails going from CTC to Seeley Rd are in great shape. The have seen a groomer now 7 times and a nice base has developed.
The trails going from the main trailhead on Seeley Rd just north of Boon Rd are good when you head from parking lot and head counter clockwise to the Seeley Rd connector. The remainder of the loop that is east of Seeley Rd has only seen a groomer one time (on Sunday when we opened it up) and therefore from the warm up temps we received is rideable but can be icy and rough in spots. That section I am referring to lasts for 3 miles.
I have now ridden the entire loop and we have an official distance. The total length is 10.2 miles which includes the CTC connector if you start from that end. The loop going from the main trail head and staying east of Seeley Rd (less hills) is 4 miles. The loop once you cross Seeley Rd (more hills) adds on another 6 miles.
We hope to get more snow soon so we can groom for the weekend! Stay tuned.
If you are interested in donating the grooming badge program to support the expenses of having two groomed trails consider buying a grooming badge today! Check out website for details.
Thank you! Michele Andrews 🙂
Sunday December 17, 2017
Grooming Update #6 – Rob Millen, Scott Dunham and myself had a long day opening up all trails on the newly designed WST.
We have finally been able to open the complete loop that goes from the main trailhead at Boon and Seeley Road and stays east of Seeley Road. This new section to create the loop will be soft since it only has been touched by a snowmobile and groomer one time. We will continue to groom this section to keep improving its condition.
The base of the remaining parts of the trail that now have been groomed 6 times is firming up nicely. It will only improve as we get some warmer temperatures.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Friday December 15, 2017
Grooming Update #5 – Kevin Andrews and myself groomed all loops west of Seeley Road and the same out and back connecting to the parking lot at Boon and Seeley Rd. The base is gradually firming up. Still rate it a 5 out of 10.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Thursday December 14, 2017
Grooming Update #4 – Scott Dunham and myself went out and opened up a new section of the WST. This new section has only been groomed once so it will take a few grooms for it to set up. The new section opened up is the north end of the loop that goes from the trailhead at 13th and Crosby Rd to Seeley Rd.
The base that has had a few grooms is gradually firming up. I would rate it a 5 out of 10. Hopefully with warmer temps heading our way it will improve quickly.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Wednesday December 13, 2017
Grooming Update #3 – Eric Rogers and myself groomed again tonight. With all the new snow we groomed the same 5 mile out and back. The snow is not very packable but hoping it set up nicely over night.
Please watch your tire pressures to make sure you are not leaving ruts and please NO shoes on the trail. ONLY snowshoes. Shoes leave deep footprints that take forever to get rid of. Let’s make the trail enjoyable for ALL! Thank you.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Tuesday December 12, 2017
Grooming Update #2 – Erik Rogers and I are working hard to get the new WST groomed for enjoyment.
So far we have a nice 5 mile out and back groomed connecting the main trailhead to CTC giving you a total of 10 miles to ride or snowshoe.
Bare with us as we will keep opening up new sections of the WST. We hope by the end of Sunday we will have the complete loop open and groomed.
Our base is not firm enough yet so please watch your tire pressures on your fat bikes and please NO shoes on the trail – only snowshoes. Shoes leave deep ruts that take forever to get rid of.
Thank you – Michele Andrews
Monday December 11, 2017
Grooming Update #1 – Eric Rogers and myself went out and drove the snowmobile ONLY from the CTC to the parking lot and back. Doing the first pack down of all the fresh new snow we have received. We will continue to groom to open all of the WST. Stay tuned.
Thank you – Michele
Saturday 3/4/2017
Thank you to Kevin Andrews for doing his best to get you a groomed trail for the weekend. Starting from the main trailhead for the first 2 miles the trail is NOT groomed but rideable. After the 2 mile mark it is groomed all the way to CTC side. There were many down limbs and a lot clean up that had to be done last night. He was out there for almost 4 hours. Thank you for your best efforts last night Kevin in the single digit temps. Get out and enjoy the hard work he put in.
Also SUPPORT your groomed trails by making a donation to our Grooming Badge Supporter Program. Click Donate on the website today!
Thursday 2/16/2017
Thank you to Scott and Mya Dunham for packing down the new snow we received on Tuesday night. We received between 2-4 inches. The trail is in great shape.
With the warmer temps heading our way I would imagine the use of the trail should be done in the early hours.
If trail gets too soft please refrain from using. Let’s protect our base for future use.
Support your groomed trails by donating to the Groomer Badge Program. Check out website for details.
Monday 2/13/2017
Thank you to Erik Rogers for heading out on Monday night and grooming. Was able to smooth out the footprints and a small section where we had a snow drift. Trail was firm and fast for Tuesday 2/14/2017.
As of 7:30pm on 2/14/2017 we have received about 2 inches of new snow and it is still snowing. Stay tuned for further updates.
Saturday 2/4/2017
Thank you to Dave Scott and Erik Rogers for braving the frigid temps last night to groom the WST. The conditions should be picture perfect for you today. Get out and enjoy!
Support your groomed trails by donating to the Grooming Supporter Badge Program. See website for details.
Tuesday 1/31/2017
Sunday 1/29/2017
Thank you Erik Rogers who headed out last night and groomed the trail for all of us. We received another 2 inches of snow since our groom on Friday night. He took extra time last night to not only compact the new snow but to improve our corners from all that wet heavy snow we received earlier this week. Two tracks are improving everyday and the downhill’s should be fast.
Please keep in mind, we love users to stop and take photos, …but to be aware of foot traffic on certain areas creating very rough spots.
Reminder to our walkers – if your foot prints are leaving divet’s we advise you to wear snowshoes.
Reminder to fat bikers – if you tires are leaving more then 1/2 inch of a rut then we advise you to lower your tire pressure.
Let’s keep the trail as smooth as possible for enjoyment by all users!
Support your groomed trails by donating to the Groomer Badge Program – 100% of your donation is tax deductible and 100% of your donation goes to the expenses of maintaining these trails.
Friday 1/27/2017 #2
It was date night for Kevin and Michele Andrews. What did they decide to do? Well they decided to groom the WST to make it nice and pretty for all the weekend traffic.
We now have had two successful grooms since our recent snowfall of 4-6 inches of snow. It should set up well over night and be in tip top shape for the weekend.
Get out and enjoy! Also don’t forgot to buy your grooming badge – 100% of your donation is tax deductible and 100% of it goes directly to the Cadillac Pathway grooming efforts. Check out the website for further details.
Friday 1/27/2017
Rob Millen and Michele Andrews groomed the WST last night. It was definitely a challenge with all the wet heavy snow we received (4-6 inches). With the colder temps last night it should of set up well. You may encounter some snow clumps here and there. We hope to groom again tonight to smooth out the clumps.
Remember to watch your tire pressure. If you are sinking more then 1/2 inch you have too much air in your tires. We don’t want to leave ruts or deep footprints. With the colder temps heading our way those will freeze and we DON’T want that.
Get out and enjoy!
Remember to support your grooming efforts by purchasing a Grooming Badge Today. #cadillacpathwaygroomingbadge.
Thursday 1/19/2017
Unfortunately the weatherman’s forecast has been correct and we have warm weather now and for the next several days. Also the snow is saturated from the last rain. Conditions are soft and we continue to advise you to stay off the trail. By using the trail under these conditions would create deep foot prints and/or tire ruts that would be impossible to remove until we received another snowstorm of more then 8 inches.
Also I want to remind everyone that we have permission to use the WST under a Use Permit with the DNR. We are allowed to be on the trail as long as we have snow. If we lose our base and we are down to dirt we ARE NOT ALLOWED to be on the trail. Please adhere to this to ensure a good working relationship with the DNR and for future use of this trail.
Wednesday 1/18/2017
Mother Nature is not cooperating with us winter enthusiasts. Due to warm weather and rain that we received we advise all users to stay off the Winter Sports Trail. If we leave deep ruts from shoes, snowshoes or fat tires it would take a winter storm of 6 inches plus to mend those holes and ruts. Let’s retain what base we have left during this warm spell so we can enjoy the trail for weeks to come. Now go do a snow dance! 🙂
Saturday 1/14/2017
Thank you to our volunteers Scott and Mya Dunham for grooming Friday night. We had some new snow laying on the trail from the last groom.
Despite the warmer weather and rain we had this week we have a good to excellent firm base.
Remember to support your groomed trails by buying/donating to a grooming badge. Check out website for more details.
Thursday 1/12/2017
Wednesday 1/11/2017
The WST was groomed from CTC to Seeley Rd by Rob Millen at 3am this morning. Results was a good base that should set up well with the current temps. We will attempt another groom tonight to groom the whole trail system. Stay tuned for more details.
Sunday 1/8/2017
Received another inch of new snow after we groomed on Saturday afternoon so we headed out this evening for another go around. The result equals an excellent firm base. Thanks to Erik Rogers and Scott Dunham for leading the forces today. The ENTIRE trail is in excellent shape with a firm base.
REMINDER – Grand Opening Sunday 1/15/2017 from 11 am to 1pm. McLain Cycle and Fitness will be there in force with demo bikes and staff to answer all your questions. We will also have a bonfire, snacks and refreshments. New equipment purchased for the entire Cadillac Pathway will be on display.
Saturday 1/7/2017
We have received a couple inches or so over the last couple of days. Scott Lint and Michele Andrews braved the frigid temps and groomed the Winter Sports Trail last night. We kept stopping to check the base and it was firming up nicely. Winter Sports Trail should be in excellent shape this weekend.
The Cadillac Pathway Committee knew that we would have some hiccups this first year and we definitely have ONE….that was not thought of. The 3 small sections of two track that we have on the route are open to motorized traffic which we didn’t think was a big deal from snow shoe, trail runner or fat biker perspective. What was not anticipated was on 12/26 when the temps were in the 40’s and we had some rain that vehicles would drive on the two tracks creating a sloppy slush mess that froze the next day. We will definitely be tweaking the route for next year however for this year we just have to deal with it because that is the trail that is authorized for us to use by the MDNR.
GOOD NEWS, Rob Millen, has spent a good deal of time out there with a drag and his mid-size truck to break down and smooth out the mess and the results are looking very promising. We will continue to work these sections and hopefully received a good winter storm soon to have mother nature correct the problem. I would rate the 2 track sections a 5 out of 10…they are definitely rideable!
Remember you can always start from the CTC side or the main trailhead side.
Questions please feel free to email us at
Friday 1/6/2017
Happy New Year from the Cadillac Pathway Committee. As you can see we have not groomed in a week due to the warmer temps we had and it simply didn’t need it. We did receive about an inch or so the other day of lake effect snow (dry snow). We hope to get out and do a groom before the weekend but the temps are wicked cold and I would like our groomers to keep their fingers, face and toes. Some of the committee road the trail yesterday and it is definitely useable for all activities (Fat Biking, Snowshoeing, Trail Running, etc.). So bundle up, open those heater packs and get out and enjoy this sunshine we have today. See you on the trails!
Friday 12/30/2016
Wednesday 12/28/2016
Just wanted to post an update on the WST since the warmer temps that we had on Monday the 26th. The trailhead which starts off on two tracks for 1/2 mile (where vehicles are allowed) is ride-able with care and caution however not very pleasant. Basically a vehicle drove on this section when it was warm. Created a slushy sloppy mess and then that mess froze. The other two track sections that are east of Seeley Rd are okay and ride-able. Not the most pleasant but ride-able.
From Seeley Rd heading west the trail is in great shape. We maintained our base during the warm up and the little bit of snow we got on Tuesday made riding today very enjoyable.
Currently the trail was groomed last on Friday 12/23. As soon as we receive a few more inches we will groom again.
The Cadillac Pathway committee knew we would have hiccups our first year and we are putting our heads together to figure out what we can do to make these couple of sections enjoyable again. Testing some things out tomorrow.
If you are itching to get out I would recommend starting from the CTC side of the trail. This is located on the curve of 13th and Crosby Streets. You can get in a good 10 miles going from CTC out to Seeley Rd and back and it truly is in great shape.
Any questions please feel free to email us at
Friday 12/23/2016
We received a good 6 inches over night and thankfully Erik Rogers left his morning cup of coffee when he discovered this and headed out to groom the trail to make it spectacular. It set up quickly and several people were out enjoying the trail on Friday as well as the rest of the weekend. Thank you Erik!!
Thursday 12/22/2016
Erik Rogers and Michele Andrews groomed at 7pm the Winter Sports Trail. With the warmer conditions it allowed us to set up a nice firm base. Riding over the next couple of days should be excellent.
We also put up about 80% of the signs. Still working on getting them up. Even though they are not all up you should have no problem finding the route.
Tuesday 12/20/2016
Rob Millen and Kevin Andrews groomed on Tuesday night. It has firmed up very nicely over night. Get out and enjoy. Post updates and pictures on FB when you can.
Next groom scheduled for Thursday night along with putting up the signs.
Sunday 12/18/2016

Saturday night 12/17 Erik Rogers and Kevin Andrews groomed the trail system with the roller only.
Sunday morning 12/18 Erik Rogers and Michele Andrews groomed the trail system with the roller and drag pan. Appears we are starting to create a firmer base but still needs time to set up. If you are leaving divets please consider lowering your tire pressure on your bikes or wearing snowshoes.
It is gorgeous out there with all the new snow fall laying on the trees.
Tuesday 12/13/2016

Rob Millen and Michele Andrews took the new snowmobile and the roller weighed down with 50 pounds of weights. Our mission tonight was to see how the snowmobile would handle the new groomer on the new WST trail along with packing down the snow.
Bryce Ropp and Dave Mackey did an excellent job because we almost didn’t feel it on the back. It rolled very smoothly behind the snowmobile and no swaying. Handled the turns like a charm.
Our next groom we will take the drag pan with us to smooth it out.
We are still trying to create a nice firm base. We need more snow to do this. Hopefully after the weekend we have more snow that we will go out again and keep packing it down.
Last night the conditions were too soft to ride. Hoping after the cold temps from last night and today it will start to firm up.
The trail is still not marked yet besides the pink tape that we used that goes through the woods. Signs should be produced and up on the trail within a week.
Monday 12/12/2016
Erik Rogers and Michele Andrews did the first test groom/pack down of the new Winter Sports Trail with the new snowmobile. The snowmobile works like a charm. Has nice heated handlebars, reverse and super powerful. We are working out the bugs with the new trail. Every time we go out it will get better and better.
Today’s effort was to just test out the sled and make sure it could handle the tight turns of which it did for the majority of the trail. Tomorrow we will attempt to go out with the Winter Sports Trail groomer. Stay tuned for more updates.
Thank you once again to Steve Murad with Yamaha, Jim Faiella with Peacock LTD, Dave Mackey with CTC, Kenny Hambright with CTC, the students of CTC, MDNR, Rotary Club of Cadillac and NMMBA. You all are awesome!! None of this would be happening if it wasn’t for you all. Cadillac is surrounded by wonderful people who care.